Family Connection overview for adults
Kew word | Kew word
In this article we will cover a few basics of how family connection will look and work for you as an adult.
In this article you will learn about the following:
- Downloading the app and getting push notifications
- How your child's Daily Journal will look
- Overview of messaging
Downloading the app and your push notifications
To download and use our app, you will want to search for Child Care Seer under either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store depending on your device. Choose to download the app and upon its completion, make sure you allow notifications when you first go to sign in.
Please use the same email you provided the center and the password you used to sign in on the sign in page.
Once you have signed in, you will be landed on your feed. On this page there will be a feed settings that you can bring up and select which items in the feed you want to get push notifications for.
For these options, you will be able to turn off all items that you do not want to receive a push notifications for. By default, these are all turned to on.

How you child's Daily Journal will look
The Daily Journal will be where all of the entries and information regarding your child's day will be displayed. To get to the Daily Journal from your Home page, click on the Daily Journal link that is just down the screen from the top. If you have multiple children, this will give you a list of your children and there will be a button to click on each child to go into their own Daily Journal.

Once inside the Daily Journal, there will be a spot where it will let you know how many photos, notes and entries there are for your child this day. Important notes and pictures will be displayed at the top of the page and all other entries will be displayed lower down on the list.

Please Note: text explaining the note
Overview of messaging
When you receive a message from your center, you will get a push notification through the app like your child entries do. You can open the app directly from these to be taken to the message. If you are inside your app already, tap the hamburger menu in the top left to bring up the main menu and select personal inbox. If it has a red dot next to it, you have an unread message.
Inside your inbox, you can always start a new message from the blue + button in the top right corner. From here you can send a message to the center administration or the teachers if your center allows this. Once you have selected who you wish to send a message to, select a topic for the message and write your message in the message area. If you wish to add a photo or attachment, you can use the buttons below that to add them. Once you are finished, press the blue Send button and your message will be sent to the center or teachers.
Please Note: You can also send an absence note to the center from this area