How to Disregard a Wallet Credit Created by the Center
Kew word | Kew word
In this article we will go over how to clear a wallet credit created by the center.
In this article you will learn about the following:
- Wallet
- Wallet Credit
- Center Created Credit
When there needs to be an adjustment to a child's account, sometimes it creates a credit in the child's wallet that does not necessarily need to be given to the family. This is to be used only if there is a credit created by the center that is not to be returned to the family. In the event you create a credit on a service that has already been paid for, you will see a credit appear for the child and the option to credit the wallet.
In order to clear that wallet credit, you will need to create a custom charge and use that wallet balance to to pay that custom charge. Once that custom charge is paid, the wallet balance will be zeroed out.
Please Note: This typically only occurs when making an error on adjusting a service that was already paid for or when you need to clear a credit that should not have been issued.